Well, here goes. As I have stated, I have always enjoyed pictures much more that home movies. You can hang a picture on the wall, place it on a table or anywhere & remember when it was taken, what the event was, moments from the day. A movie, you put up & forget you have them. I mean how many times do you sit down & watch a family movie from Christmas of 1989? If your life is like mine, NEVER! You barley have enough time to get the negative news for the day. You can walk by a picture & remember when. I started just randomly photographing my boys. Snap shots here & there & have favorites throughout our home. They tell me a story & I remember when. None of them will make it to this blog because they were in the day before digital & I really don't want to go to the trouble to scan, copy, etc. I know I'm lazy! But here are a few of my favorites as of last few years.

I am not a big fan of telling my clients to sit down, be still & smile. I like to get them in action. That is where the story is. That is how the story is told. I want my photos to be real. No pretending. That is how I really like to live life. Real, no pretending. It is what it is. Now, these are three of the four males in my life. There is one more.
Iovle this blog! Such creativity!