If looks could kill me, I think this one would. But then again, I don't think on this day, he would kill anyone. Whether he would want anyone to know it, he was the happiest guy on the planet.
That church in the background played a vital role in the lives of these two. It is where it really all began. Twenty two years ago to be exact. That is where D & I were married. That is where she first saw him. They were barely out of diapers. No. I'm just kidding but they were a couple of years away from being "teen agers". She says she told her mama she would marry him.
But as life and fate would have it, they didn't end up together on the first go around. The little man in the above picture and the one in the below are hers. But oh how they love him and how he loves them. The title on the above picture would have to be "Waitin on a woman". And he did.
See you can see the love they have.
It is hard to know which one is the bigger kid.
She didn't want him to see her in her dress before the ceremony. He didn't. He waited patiently up until the moment.
And here it was. Finally. There are more of her approaching, but for time and personal reasons, I won't post. Let's just say it was an emotional moment. For all of us. Oh, by the way, the preacher there is her daddy.
Some people wait a lifetime, some look for a lifetime and never find their one true love. These two had a second chance and jumped at it.
I don't think it is anything they will ever regret.
This one is one of my favorites. I will have to say this about him. He would have never let me do this before her. And if he knew I was doing it now, well, after the honeymoon and they settle into reality, that is when he may kill me. I'm kidding. I really don't think he will care.
We are all over the top to have these three new/old people and their family to become part of ours.