Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a boy!!!

Remember a few months ago there was a post of a young couple who were expecting their first child?  Well here he is!!!

 I have to admit this was my first ever newborn session & I had a ball.  He was so sweet.  Just a little over a week old at the time.  But time flies and he isn't this little anymore. 

Daddy was quiet thrilled.  You can tell he loves his boy.

                                                   So sweet!

                                                             Daddy's hands!

                                                          And a mama's love!

Don't worry.  Mama loves her boy too.  Boys just have a way of getting to their mama's heart.


                                                 We did good!!

                                               Love it!!!

                                                        Sweet blessing!

Priceless gifts from above. 
I am so thankful that this sweet little family let me have the opportunity to capture these moments with them.  It was so much fun.